2023 Action Scorecards

Action Scorecards 2023

Question: Has the combined authority published a climate change risk register?

Question code
Governance & Finance (CA)
Climate change risk register
Volunteer Research
Question weight


This can be part of the combined authority's overall risk register, or a stand alone document.
Point would be awarded if the local authority includes climate related risk on their wider risk register.

We are looking for how they are incorporating climate risks as part of its adaptation to climate change therefore we will only accept explicit references to climate environmental risks in the local area (such as flooding, extreme heat, migration, air pollution or others).


Criteria met if the combined authority has accurately identified the environmental risks of climate change to the local area, either in a stand alone climate change or adaptation risk register, or incorporated into the combined authority's corporate risk register. There must be an explicit link between climate change and the increased risk of flooding or other weather events.

Adaptation plans are not valid, unless there is a risk register or equivalent within the adaptation plan.

Question performance

0 points

7 Combined Authorities

1 point

4 Combined Authorities
Greater London Authority1/1
Greater Manchester Combined Authority1/1greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority1/1connectedbywater.co.uk
West Midlands Combined Authority1/1sustainabilitywestmidlands.org.uk
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0/1
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority0/1
North East Combined Authority0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0/1
West of England Combined Authority0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority0/1