2023 Action Scorecards

Action Scorecards 2023

Question: Has the combined authority successfully raised funds for decarbonising homes and buildings through national government grants?

Question code
Buildings & Heating & Green Skills (CA)
Funding sources
Volunteer Research
Question weight


Criteria met if a combined authority has successfully bid on a government grant since 1st January 2019. The money doesn't have to be spent or the project completed in order to meet the criteria.


Evidence of a news story from the combined authority or listed as a successful bidder on any of the follow national government grants:
Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (1, 2, 3a, 3b)
Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (1 and 2)
Green Homes Grant, local authority delivery (phase 1a, 1b, 2 and 3)
Sustainable Warmth Competition (local authority delivery 3 and Home Upgrade Grant 1)

Question performance

0 points

2 Combined Authorities

1 point

9 Combined Authorities
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority1/1cambridgeshirepeterborough-ca.gov.uk
Greater London Authority1/1london.gov.uk
Greater Manchester Combined Authority1/1assets.publishing.service.gov.uk
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority1/1liverpoolcityregion-ca.gov.uk
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority1/1gov.uk
Tees Valley Combined Authority1/1teesvalley-ca.gov.uk
West Midlands Combined Authority1/1cwlep.com
West of England Combined Authority1/1gov.uk
West Yorkshire Combined Authority1/1gov.uk
North East Combined Authority0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority0/1