2023 Action Scorecards

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

Net Zero target date
Council only: 2040

About the Scorecards

Climate Emergency UK assessed all UK councils on the actions they've taken towards net zero. The Scorecard assessment consists of 91 questions or less, depending on council type, across 7 different sections, created in consultation with over 90 different organisations and individuals. Each council was marked against these criteria and given a right to reply before the scores underwent a final audit. This work was completed between January and August 2023. Unless otherwise stated, council climate action from 1st January 2019 up until 31st March 2023 was assessed.

You can check how this council scored in the 2021 Plan Scorecards (different questions to the Action Scorecards).

Key definitions

The question weighting determines the importance of that question to the overall section score. To ensure appropriate weighting to each question, each raw score for a question has been translated into a score out of one, two or three, depending on whether the question is weighted low (one), medium (two) or high (three). The questions that are weighted high are those we consider to have the biggest impact on emission reductions and a sustained long-term impact.

Click here for further information on Question Weighting.

The overall section score for a council is given in the table below. The final score is created from adding up the overall section scores and applying the section weighting. For example, receiving a 50% score in Collaboration & Engagement equals 5% of a council’s overall score. This is because Collaboration & Engagement is worth 10% of a council's overall score.

Click here for further information on Section Weighting.

Action Scorecard: Liverpool City Region

Councils have been scored across seven sections, each covering the important actions that councils can be taking towards net zero. The marks within these sections add up to make up the council's overall score. Here you can see where a council performs well and not so well in each section — and compare it to other councils at this granular level.

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You'll find more options, like the ability to compare your council's Scorecard with other councils, and see a more granular breakdown of how they did on each question of the Scorecards.

QuestionsLiverpool City Region Combined AuthorityCouncils with full marks per question
Buildings & Heating & Green Skills (CA)71%

Is the combined authority's operations powered by renewable energy?

0/22 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority supported local community renewable energy creation?

0/15 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Is the combined authority part of a partnership to support retrofit in the area?

1/16 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority produced research or a strategy understanding the scale, need and opportunity of retrofitting in its area?

0/15 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority successfully raised funds for decarbonising homes and buildings through national government grants?

1/19 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority have a detailed plan or strategy to create the green skills needed to mitigate and adapt to the climate emergency?

1/15 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Is the combined authority part of a programme to support green jobs creation in the area?

1/110 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority run an employment or careers programme or project to encourage and promote green jobs?

1/17 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority funded a significant number of adult education skills courses or training advertised as skills for Green Jobs?

1/14 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority had a significant number of people completing adult education courses or training in the last three academic years that they funded and advertised as skills for Green jobs?

1/15 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Transport (CA)48%

Does the combined authority's Transport Plan include the combined authority's net-zero target and make tackling the climate emergency one of its main priorities?

1/19 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority's Transport Plan include expanding or building a high carbon transport project?

Penalty marks: The maximum number of points for this question is 0. Read more about penalty mark questions.

0/03 out of 12 Combined Authorities got no penalty marks for this question.

Has the combined authority set up or supported a shared transport scheme that can be used in their area?

4/60 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority supported the expansion of the train network?

3/32 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority's bus service improvement plan include a target for the bus fleet to be zero emission?

1/23 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Is bus ridership within the combined authority area high?

0/21 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority introduced integrated ticketing for public transport?

1/24 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority have a Clean Air Zone or Low-Emission Zone within its area?

0/16 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority have a Clean Air Zone or Low-Emission Zone within its area that requires charges for private vehicles?

0/13 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority provided support for active travel schemes?

2/40 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority supported the expansion of a public network of electric vehicle chargers?

0/20 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Planning & Biodiversity (CA)40%

Does the combined authority's Spatial Planning Strategy include the council's net-zero target and make tackling the climate emergency one of its main priorities?

1/13 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority identify suitable areas for new solar energy, wind developments and district heat networks?

0/31 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority mapped the areas of opportunity for biodiversity?

0/15 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority have a natural capital investment plan?

0/14 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority have a target to increase tree cover across its area?

0/14 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority provide funding for community action on biodiversity, for example through an environment fund or biodiversity action fund?

1/16 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Governance & Finance (CA)15%

Does the combined authority's Corporate Plan include a net-zero target and make tackling the climate emergency one of its main priorities?

1/15 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority's Medium Term Financial Plan include the combined authority's net-zero target and make tackling the climate emergency one of its main priorities?

0/12 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority's Local Industrial Strategy include a net-zero target and make tackling the climate emergency one of its main priorities?

1/18 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority published a climate change risk register?

0/14 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Is the combined authority reporting on its own emissions?

0/11 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

According to the combined authority's own reporting, have their own emissions reduced since 2019?

0/31 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

According to national data, has the combined authority's area-wide carbon emissions decreased?

1/30 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority adopted a new governance or decision making process to put tackling the climate emergency at the heart of every decision made?

0/24 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority embedded climate action and waste reduction into their procurement policies?

0/30 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority have a Portfolio Holder that has Climate Change explicitly in their remit?

1/17 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

How many staff spend 50% or more of their time on implementing the Climate Action Plan or other climate change projects?

0/25 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Have all senior management received climate awareness training?

0/10 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority have an environmental investment fund that small and medium-sized enterprises and/or the public sector can use?

0/14 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority passed a motion in support of divestment from all fossil fuels?

0/21 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority's pensions fund committed to divesting from all fossil fuels?

0/20 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Collaboration & Engagement (CA)67%

Has the combined authority published a climate action plan with SMART targets?

1/18 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority published an up to date and easy-to-read annual report on their Climate Action Plan?

3/36 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority commissioned, written and published a study of available decarbonisation pathways for their area?

0/15 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority lobbied the government for more funding, powers and climate resources?

1/18 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority or its mayor publicly called for more climate action from the Government or other organisations?

2/26 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Is the combined authority working with external partners or other councils to lobby national government for climate action, or to learn about and share best practice council climate action?

2/26 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority have an on-going way for residents to influence the implementation of the combined authority's Climate Action Plan?

1/22 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority's ongoing engagement with residents include those most affected by climate change and the transition?

0/22 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority supported a research project into climate action in their region?

1/17 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority created a climate change commission or similar?

1/16 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Is the combined authority working in partnership with local businesses to encourage decarbonisation?

1/110 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.

Has the council passed a motion to ban high carbon advertising and sponsorship?

0/10 out of 12 Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Total score50%
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