Climate Emergency UK assessed all UK councils on the actions they've taken towards net zero. The Scorecard assessment consists of 91 questions or less, depending on council type, across 7 different sections, created in consultation with over 90 different organisations and individuals. Each council was marked against these criteria and given a right to reply before the scores underwent a final audit. This work was completed between January and August 2023. Unless otherwise stated, council climate action from 1st January 2019 up until 31st March 2023 was assessed.
The question weighting determines the importance of that question to the overall section score. To ensure appropriate weighting to each question, each raw score for a question has been translated into a score out of one, two or three, depending on whether the question is weighted low (one), medium (two) or high (three). The questions that are weighted high are those we consider to have the biggest impact on emission reductions and a sustained long-term impact.
The overall section score for a council is given in the table below. The final score is created from adding up the overall section scores and applying the section weighting. For example, receiving a 50% score in Collaboration & Engagement equals 5% of a council’s overall score. This is because Collaboration & Engagement is worth 10% of a council's overall score.
Councils have been scored across seven sections, each covering the important actions that councils can be taking towards net zero. The marks within these sections add up to make up the council's overall score. Here you can see where a council performs well and not so well in each section — and compare it to other councils at this granular level.
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Is the combined authority's operations powered by renewable energy?
Criteria is met if the combined authority has a green tariff that is 100% renewable or if the combined authority creates its own energy equivalent to 20% of more of its energy consumption through energy from waste.
Additional points awarded if the combined authority has a green tariff with Green Energy UK plc, Good Energy Limited or Ecotricity, or if the combined authority creates its own renewable energy equivalent to 20% or more of its energy consumption. This could be through on-site energy generation, or if they have built or bought a solar/wind farm elsewhere.
2 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority supported local community renewable energy creation?
Criteria met if there is public information about them working with a local community energy generation infrastructure project, such as wind, solar or hydro. Evidence of this could include: Being formally listed as a partner on the community energy projects' website Evidence on the combined authority's website of them providing funding, land or other support to the community energy project.
5 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Is the combined authority part of a partnership to support retrofit in the area?
Criteria met if the combined authority convenes or is a member of a local retrofit partnership, that focuses on knowledge sharing or skills. Evidence of this partnership is needed. At least two of the following must be visible: 1. A named partnership with a public membership list 2. A terms of reference or aims of the group 3. Evidence of previous meetings, via notes, agendas, videos or in news stories
6 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority successfully raised funds for decarbonising homes and buildings through national government grants?
Criteria met if a combined authority has successfully bid on a government grant since 1st January 2019. The money doesn't have to be spent or the project completed in order to meet the criteria.
9 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Is the combined authority part of a programme to support green jobs creation in the area?
This must be above and beyond providing green skills training in their adult education budget.
If the combined authority has run a Green Skills Bootcamp or equivalent programmes this is valid for a point. The programme must guarantee interviews with potential employers after completing training to be valid for a point.
The programme can be done in partnership with any organisation beyond the combined authority. It could include other councils, community groups, education providers, local businesses, key employers in the area or others.
10 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority run an employment or careers programme or project to encourage and promote green jobs?
Point awarded if the combined authority provides a supplementary employment or careers programme to encourage and promote green jobs. Activities can include, but not limited to: stand alone websites, funding, or events promoting green careers at schools and colleges .
7 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority funded a significant number of adult education skills courses or training advertised as skills for Green Jobs?
Criteria met if the combined authority has provided more than 30 green skills adult education courses in the last three academic years.
This is the total number of adult education courses that the combined authority advertises as Green Skills or Green Jobs that they have funded, in part of partial. If the combined authority classifies them as a green job/skill, then they will be counted.
This includes courses related to the building of or maintaining of residential homes or commercial buildings as well as other Green Skills, such as in relation to Electric Vehicles, Digital Skills, Education, Biodiversity and Conservation management and others.
Any accredited course is valid for a point. There is no minimum length of the course required to be valid for the point. Courses that are part of a Skills Bootcamp are valid. This question is not limited to Skills Bootcamps courses only, other courses are valid.
4 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority had a significant number of people completing adult education courses or training in the last three academic years that they funded and advertised as skills for Green jobs?
This question is asking how many people have been trained on the courses funded and advertised by the combined authority as Green skills/jobs in the last three academic years.
Criteria met if the combined authority has trained more than 1,000 people in green skills through adult education courses in the last academic year.
This includes courses related to retrofitting, the building of or maintaining of residential homes or commercial buildings as well as other Green Skills, such as in relation to Electric Vehicles, Digital Skills, Education, Biodiversity and Conservation management and others.
Any accredited course is valid for a point. There is no minimum length of the course required to be valid for the point. Courses that are part of a Skills Bootcamp are valid. This question is not limited to Skills Bootcamps courses only, other courses are valid.
5 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority's Transport Plan include the combined authority's net-zero target and make tackling the climate emergency one of its main priorities?
Criteria met if the Transport Plan is in date and the net-zero target is included within the transport strategy, although any date would be sufficient.
One of the key priorities in the Transport Plan must be to tackle the climate emergency or reduce emissions.
9 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority set up or supported a shared transport scheme that can be used in their area?
Criteria met for each type of scheme where a member of the public can hire a vehicle (e.g. car/scooter/bike/mobility device) within the combined authorities area.
The following schemes will be awarded points: - Car share scheme of any size in the area. Including: - Community car clubs. - Car clubs provided by private companies - Hiring of combined authority vehicles when not in use - Bike share scheme - E-bike or cargo bike share scheme - E-scooter scheme - Mobility Devices - Wheels 2 Work scheme
Trial schemes that are active at the time of marking will be accepted.
0 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority supported the expansion of the train network?
Points awarded if the combined authority has published a rail strategy, which includes the opening of new or the reopening of any stations or train lines.
Points awarded if the combined authority has invested in new zero emission train stock.
Points awarded if the combined authority has provided funding for extensive retrofit or opening of new or reopening of any stations and/or train lines.
2 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority introduced integrated ticketing for public transport?
Points awarded if the combined authority has implemented, or has a firm timetable with a published date to implement, integrated ticketing for buses within the combined authority area.
Further points awarded if the combined authority has implemented, or has a firm timetable with a published date to implement, integrated ticketing across all public transport including buses, rail, trams and shared active travel schemes - where they have these modes of transport - within the combined authority area.
4 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority have a Clean Air Zone or Low-Emission Zone within its area that requires charges for private vehicles?
Criteria met if a combined authority has implemented a Clean Air Zone or Low Emission Zone that has been in operation since 2019 and it charges for private vehicles.
For this question the Clean Air Zone or Low Emission Zone does have to require charges for private vehicles.
3 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority provided support for active travel schemes?
We will use Active Travel England's capability ratings to score this question. The following points will be scored for each of the 5 different ratings used by Active Travel England. Points awarded if the local authority received a "Rating 1". Further points awarded consecutively if the local authority received a "Rating 2", "Rating 3", or "Rating 4"
0 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority's Spatial Planning Strategy include the council's net-zero target and make tackling the climate emergency one of its main priorities?
Criteria met if the Spatial Planning Strategy is in date and the net-zero target is included within the Spatial Planning strategy, although any date for the net-zero target would be sufficient.
One of the key priorities in the Spatial Planning Strategy must be to tackle the climate emergency or reduce emissions. The priority to take climate action must be a stand alone priority, listed as one of the councils core priorities or equivalent. If the core priority is a more general 'Sustainability', 'Environment' or 'Greener City/Area' and climate action is a priority within this core priority this would get the point.
3 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority mapped the areas of opportunity for biodiversity?
Criteria met if the combined authority has a map across its whole region detailing the opportunity areas for biodiversity opportunities. This could include mapping done as part of creating the local nature recovering strategy.
5 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority provide funding for community action on biodiversity, for example through an environment fund or biodiversity action fund?
This is a ring-fenced fund that a combined authority has created to spend on biodiversity action locally for other organisations and volunteer groups.
The criteria must clearly be about biodiversity action projects and those who apply must complete some sort of application to define their planned biodiversity activities.
Point awarded if the combined authority has established a community biodiversity action fund or similar, provided the following criteria are met: - The fund is at least £500,000 or higher. Where the overall amount of funding isn't clear, it will be assumed that funds awarding individual grants over £10,000 or up to £100,000 will meet this criteria. - The fund is accessible to community groups, including where relevant parish councils
6 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority's Corporate Plan include a net-zero target and make tackling the climate emergency one of its main priorities?
Criteria met if climate action (alternatively called Sustainability or Environment) is listed as one of the combined authority's core priorities or equivalent. It must have its own heading or section and a net zero target date must be referenced.
The net-zero target date must be an area-wide target, either the UK Government's national target, the devolved nation's target or the combined authority's area-wide net zero target.
5 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority's Medium Term Financial Plan include the combined authority's net-zero target and make tackling the climate emergency one of its main priorities?
Criteria met if climate action (alternatively called sustainability or environment) is listed as one of the combined authority's core priorities or equivalent. It must have its own heading or section and a net-zero target date must be referenced.
The net-zero target date must be an area-wide target, either the UK Government's national target, the devolved nation's target or the combined authority's area-wide net-zero target.
2 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority's Local Industrial Strategy include a net-zero target and make tackling the climate emergency one of its main priorities?
Criteria met if climate action (alternatively called sustainability or environment) is listed as one of the combined authority's core priorities or equivalent. It must have its own heading or section and a net-zero target date must be referenced.
The net-zero target date must be an area-wide target, either the UK Government's national target, the devolved nation's target or the combined authority's area-wide net-zero target.
8 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority published a climate change risk register?
This can be part of the combined authority's overall risk register, or a stand alone document. Point would be awarded if the local authority includes climate related risk on their wider risk register.
We are looking for how they are incorporating climate risks as part of its adaptation to climate change therefore we will only accept explicit references to climate environmental risks in the local area (such as flooding, extreme heat, migration, air pollution or others).
4 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Is the combined authority reporting on its own emissions?
Criteria met if the combined authority is reporting its own emissions and fulfill all of the following: - It states whether they are using the Environmental Reporting Guidelines from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) or Business and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the GCoM Common Reporting Framework (CRF), the Greenhouse Gas Accounting Tool (from the LGA), the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for Cities (Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories) or for Corporate Standards to develop their inventory.
They must state whether they are using either, - the inventory must cover a continuous period of 12 months, either a calendar year or a financial year - there must be data from 2019 and 2021 (or the financial year 2021/22) - they must be measuring their own scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions
1 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
According to the combined authority's own reporting, have their own emissions reduced since 2019?
Three tier criteria Combined authority must meet the minimum criteria of question 3a to be able to get points for this question.
Criteria met if, using the combined authority's own reporting mechanisms, there has been a 5% or more reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions when comparing 2019 to 2021 (or financial years 2018/19 to 2021/22) data.
Additional points awarded if this emission reduction has been 10% or more, or further points if the reduction has been 20% or more.
Further points awarded if there has been any reduction from scope 3 emissions.
We recognise that there is currently no standard way that all combined authorities use to report on emissions. We will score combined authorities own calculations, despite the differences, as long as they fulfill the requirements in 3a.
1 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority adopted a new governance or decision making process to put tackling the climate emergency at the heart of every decision made?
Two tier criteria Criteria met if climate implications are listed or referenced for all combined authority decisions at their full meetings. Climate implications can be considered through Environmental Implications or an Integrated Impact Assessment if this includes a climate or environmental sub-heading or section.
Additional points if the combined authority is using a detailed impact assessment tool to assess the climate implications of all combined authority decisions.
4 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority embedded climate action and waste reduction into their procurement policies?
Three tier criteria Criteria met if the combined authority has a stand alone environmental or sustainable procurement policy, or a complete section on Sustainable or Responsible Procurement, Climate Change and Action or something similar, within their procurement policy that includes the following.
Two or more of the following criteria A must be met to meet the minimum criteria for this point: The policy makes explicit reference to the combined authority's Climate Action Plan and zero carbon targets. The policy requests to see the carbon reduction plan of the supplier in the tendering process or asks the supplier to detail any specific steps taken in the design and manufacture of the services to increase energy efficiency and reduce any detrimental environmental impacts. The policy encourages or requires suppliers, through selection processes, to adopt processes and procedures to reduce their environmental impact, including energy consumption and associated carbon emissions, where practicable. For example a combined authority might allocate 5% or more of the tendering overall evaluation score to the environmental actions of the tenderer (the supplier’s contribution to carbon reduction within their own operations or other actions) The policy encourages or requires suppliers, through selection processes, to adopt circular economy processes and procedures where practical.
Additional points if the combined authority has a mandatory requirement for tenders to do any of the following (criteria B): Demonstrate how they will meet energy efficiency requirements or minimise energy consumption Demonstrate how they will minimise waste in their products and services. This could be through recycled, natural, biodegradable or renewable materials being used, through not using single use plastic or other non-recyclable materials or through ensuring products and services last for as long as possible.
Additional points if the combined authority's procurement policy includes any of the following (criteria C): The combined authority aims to source low or zero carbon energy wherever possible. The combined authority aims to phase out the use of fossil fuels from their fleet. The combined authority references the waste hierarchy in its policy, for example by stating that it encourages the combined authority to consider if repeat procurement requests are always needed.
0 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority have a Portfolio Holder that has Climate Change explicitly in their remit?
Criteria met if the combined authority has a role such as Chair of Environment Committee or any title or portfolio holder with the words climate change, climate action, climate emergency, environmental sustainability, environment or similar in it. This role can be merged with another role, such as environment and transport or split across multiple roles, such as one named person for sustainable transport and another for low carbon energy. Related role names are valid, such as: (Deputy Portfolio Holder) Low Carbon and Renewable Energy.
7 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
How many staff spend 50% or more of their time on implementing the Climate Action Plan or other climate change projects?
Criteria is met if there are multiple staff members employed on 3 days a week or more to be working on the combined authority's Climate Action Plan or other climate change projects equating to a given % of the overall staff team.
Data is not currently available to benchmark the exact % of staff that are working on implementing their Climate Action Plan or other climate change projects that will be valid for the points. This will be published with the complete methodology when the Scorecard results are published.
5 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority have an environmental investment fund that small and medium-sized enterprises and/or the public sector can use?
Point awarded if the combined authority has established a community climate action fund by attracting external investment or similar, provided the following criteria are met: - The fund is at least £100k or higher - The financing of the fund has come from attracting external investment The fund is accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises and/or the public sector - More general community or environment funds will be awarded if they specify that climate change projects will be supported.
To account for funding released in stages, the point will be awarded if the funding or support has been offered since 1st January 2022.
4 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority's pensions fund committed to divesting from all fossil fuels?
Two tier criteria Criteria met if the combined authority's pension fund has committed to partially divesting. For example, it has committed to divesting only from coal, tar sands or oil before 2030.
Additional points if the pension fund has committed to divest from all fossil fuels before 2030.
0 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority published a climate action plan with SMART targets?
Criteria met if the combined authority has published a climate action plan that covers the area and includes references to SMART targets since September 2015.
8 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority published an up to date and easy-to-read annual report on their Climate Action Plan?
Points awarded for each of the following criteria: - The combined authority has published an annual report since 1st January 2022 - The annual report is easy-to-read - The annual report includes reporting on progress towards the council's climate action plan SMART targets.
6 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority commissioned, written and published a study of available decarbonisation pathways for their area?
Criteria met if the combined authority has commissioned, written and published a study of different decarbonisation pathways and scenarios to reach net zero carbon across the region by the local area-wide target.
5 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority lobbied the government for more funding, powers and climate resources?
Criteria met if the combined authority has sent a letter or had a meeting with national or devolved governments calling for the government to take further action, or asking for councils and combined authorities to receive more funding, powers and climate resources to take climate action.
8 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority or its mayor publicly called for more climate action from the Government or other organisations?
Two tier criteria Point awarded for signing or supporting at least 2 open letters or public statements, including those led by other combined authorities or organisations.
A further point will be awarded if the combined authority or its mayor has led at least one open letter or public statement.
6 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Is the combined authority working with external partners or other councils to lobby national government for climate action, or to learn about and share best practice council climate action?
Two tier criteria Point awarded for membership or contributing case studies for at least one of the following organisations, with a further point available for membership or contributing case studies for three or more of the following organisations.
Membership organisations: - UK100 - ADEPT - Blueprint Coalition - ICLEI - Carbon Neutral Cities - C40 Cities - Carbon Disclosure Project (including submitting to the CDP since 2019)
Case studies: - Friends of the Earth & Ashden case studies - UK100 case studies
6 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority have an on-going way for residents to influence the implementation of the combined authority's Climate Action Plan?
Two tier criteria Point awarded if the council has established a way for residents to influence the implementation of the council's climate action. This may be through: - a community engagement group - introducing community, resident or activist representation on a council climate change committee/group - convening or using a local climate action network to improve the implementation of their climate action plan - broader forms of community engagement work such as a series of workshops across the area for different groups of residents.
A further point will be awarded if there is an overarching framework such as a dedicated climate public engagement plan to inform this work.
2 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Does the combined authority's ongoing engagement with residents include those most affected by climate change and the transition?
Two tier criteria Point awarded if the combined authority's ongoing engagement (under 5a) specifically aims to engage those most affected by climate change and climate action policies.
A further point available if the combined authority's climate action plan has undergone an equalities impact assessment to identify who is most affected by climate change and climate action policies.
2 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority supported a research project into climate action in their region?
Criteria met if the combined authority has funded or commissioned area-wide research to increase understanding of the local challenge and support constituent councils.
7 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Has the combined authority created a climate change commission or similar?
Criteria met if the combined authority has created a climate commission or other similar body, to bring together experts and stakeholders, provide independant advice and guide climate policy in the area.
6 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.
Is the combined authority working in partnership with local businesses to encourage decarbonisation?
Criteria met if the combined authority has 3 or more schemes to provide free support or free tailored advice to businesses in the local area to decarbonise, including through collaborative measures with local businesses, other local authorities, or via the Local Enterprise Partnership.
One single overarching scheme with three different approaches to support local businesses will also be awarded the point.
10 out of 12Combined Authorities got full marks for this question.